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Small business owners’ voices are not being heard at the local, state, and federal levels. These levels of government make key decisions that affect business owners all over Bakersfield. The Chamber works to ensure that our business community is at the table and represented on policy issues that affect their bottom line. We advocate at all levels of government to help develop a common-sense, business-friendly agenda with our civic leaders and legislators.
Through engaging in our region’s most important business issues, our Chamber’s member-driven advocacy efforts help to shape public policy to ensure full economic prosperity and enhance the quality of life for Members.The Chamber offers many advocacy programs providing opportunities for Members to meet and mingle with policymakers and engage civic leaders in meaningful dialogue surrounding key business issues. Learn more about these programs below and how they benefit our Members!
Government Review Council
The Government Review Council (GRC) allows business leaders to evaluate proposed local, state, and federal issues that may impact their business. The GRC allows them to take and recommend a position that our board can advocate for or against. It is an opportunity to hear from many local and state leaders on issues affecting our community. This council is open to Chamber Members only. GRC benefits include:
- Advocacy in government for your business
- Monitoring business legislation
- Access to elected officials and community leaders
- Opportunities to engage early on many local issues directly impacting businesses
- Business-focused candidates forums

As the Chamber strives to help small businesses grow, we realize the role that political action plays in that process. Business owners need politicians who will stand up for their needs, not ones who aim to tear them down. The Greater Bakersfield Chamber Political Action Committee (BAKPAC) was started in 1999. This committee is focused on endorsing and funding business-friendly candidates for office.
BAKPAC is our way of making sure Members’ voices are heard.
*All PAC funds are separate from funds of the Greater Bakersfield Chamber. BAKPAC has a separate governing board, which does include some representation from the Chamber’s Board of Directors. The Greater Bakersfield Chamber’s Political Action Committee is a state and local PAC.